The Visual Arts Magazine ERRATA#
The Visual Arts Magazine ERRATA# is an international publication issued two times a year. ERRATA# aims to analyze and disseminate the development of research, artistic creation, circulation, exhibition, education, curatorial work and related activities of the various agents in the Visual Arts in Colombia, Latin-America and in the international context. ERRATA# is edited by the Visual Arts Offices of Bogota City District: Instituto Distrital de las Artes and Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño.
Each issue of ERRATA# focuses on a topic that is addressed from the perspectives of four different authors, who are in turn invited by two guest editors (one national and one international). The magazine seeks to articulate multiple outlooks on the subject matter as well as to present voices from various contexts. Additionally, each edition features the work of a guest artist whose creation is available to readers in the form of a collectible INSERT.
The other sections include:
– DOSSIER: consisting of a collection of national and international artists that express the relation their work bears with the central topic.
– INTERVIEW: a dialogue exploring the beliefs and reflections of a character whose background and experience are related to the subject matter.
– IN:SIDE and OUT:SIDE: provide critical reviews of exhibits and art events at a district, national and international levels.
– PUBLISHED: presenting reviews of new books on the field.
To date we have published the following issues:
ERRATA# 0, The Place of Art in Politics. Editors: Ana Longoni (Argentina) and Fernando Escobar (Colombia). Authors: André Mesquita (Brazil) and Jesús Carrillo (Spain), Catalina Cortés Severino and Carlos Salamanca (Colombia).
ERRATA# 1, Art and Archives. Editor: Carmen María Jaramillo (Colombia). Authors: Andrea Giunta (Argentine), Suely Rolnik (Brazil), Jorge Blasco Gallardo (Spain), Taller Historia Crítica and María Sol Barón (Colombia).
ERRATA #2, The Writing of Art. Editor: Karen Cordero (Mexico). James Elkins (USA), Laura Malosetti (Argentine) and Ivonne Pini (Uruguay-Colombia), Jaime Cerón and Jorge Echavarría (Colombia).
ERRATA #3, Digital Culture and Creation. Editors: Ricardo Dominguez (USA) and Felipe César Londoño (Colombia). Amy Carroll (USA), Eduardo Navas (El Salvador-USA), Carlos Jiménez and Alejandro Duque (Colombia).
ERRATA #4, Art Pedagogy and Education. Editors: Luis Camnitzer (Uruguay), Víctor Laignelet and Manuel Santana (Colombia). Authors: Pablo Helguera (USA-Mexico), Mónica Hoff (Brazil), and María del Carmen González (Spain), Miguel Huertas and Javier Gil (Colombia).
ERRATA #5, Frontiers, Migrations and Displacements. Editors: Martin Grossmann (Brazil) and María Clara Bernal (Colombia). Authors: Aracy Amaral, Gilberto Mariotti and Cauê Alves (Brazil), Tatiana Ferraz (England), Carla Macchiavello (Chile) and Andrés Montenegro (Colombia).
ERRATA # 6, Museums and New Scenarios of Art. Editors: Nekane Aramburu (Spain) and María Inés Rodríguez (Colombia). Authors: Rosina Cazali (Guatemala), Yona Friedman (Hungary), Juan Andrés Gaitán (Colombia), Claudia Giannetti (Brazil) and Jesús Pedro Lorente (Spain).
ERRATA# 7, Collective and Collaborative Creation. Editors: Marcelo Expósito (Spain) and Javier Gil (Colombia). Authors: Brian Holmes (USA), Javier Toret (Spain) and Luis García (Argentine), Robert Smithson (USA), Ludmila Ferrari and Carlos Uribe (Colombia).
ERRATA #8, Inter/Transdiciplinarity. Editors: Marcos García (Spain) and Jesús Martín-Barbero (Colombia). Authors: Néstor García Canclini (Mexico), Graciela Speranza (Argentine), Antonio Lafuente and Antonio Rodríguez de Las Heras (Spain).
ERRATA #9 Ethics and Aesthetics. Editors: Gabriel Peluffo (Uruguay) and Bruno Mazzoldi (Colombia). Authors: Ticio Escobar (Paraguay), Gustavo Buntinx (Peru), Rafael Alejandro Castellanos and Mauricio González (Colombia).
ERRATA #10 Environmental Polemics – Sustainable Practices. Editors: Paulina Cornejo (Mexico), Juan Alberto Gaviria (Colombia). Authors: Gonzalo Ortega (Mexico), Alberto Sánchez Balmisa (Spain), Agustín Parra and Adriana Puech (Colombia).
ERRATA #11 Magazines: critical and theoretical debate. Editors: ArtNexus (Celia Birbragher, Colombia) and Brumaria (Darío Corbeira, Spain). Authors: Ivonne Pini (Uruguay-Colombia), Alejandro Arozamena and Peio Aguirre (Spain), Simon Sheikh (Australia), Sylvia Suárez and María Clara Bernal (Colombia).
ERRATA #12: Sexual Disobediences. Editors: Víctor Manuel Rodríguez-Sarmiento (Colombia) and Fernando Davis (Argentina). Authors: Fernanda Carvajal (Chile), Nicolás Cuello (Argentina), Lina Cuéllar (Colombia), and Vividero Colectivo (Carlos Maria Romero and Clara Sofía Arrieta, Colombia).
ERRATA #13: Human Rights and Memory. Editors: Ramón Castillo (Chile) and Paolo Vignolo (Italy-Colombia). Authors: Cristián Gómez-Moya (Chile), Víctor Vich (Peru), Myriam Jimeno, Daniel Varela, Ángela Milena Castillo and María Victoria Uribe (Colombia).
ERRATA #14: Geopolitics of Contemporary Art. Editors: Gerardo Mosquera (Cuba) and Nikos Papastergiadis (Australia). Authors: Hans Belting (Germany), Anthony Gardner (England), Lee Weng Choy (Singapore), Cuauhtémoc Medina (Mexico) and Mieke Bal (Holland).
ERRATA #15: Performance, Actions and Activism. Editors: Mildred Durán (Colombia-France) and Alfonso Cifuentes (Colombia). Authors: Richard Martel (Canada), Nelson Herrera Yisa (Cuba), Chumpon Apisuk (Thailand), Jose Alejandro Restrepo and Álvaro Villalobos (Colombia).
ERRATA #16: Knowledge and power in the spaces of art: Pedagogies / Critical Curatorships. Editors: Carmen Mörsch (Germany) and Jaime Cerón (Colombia). Authors: Nora Sternfeld (Finland), Transductores (Javier Rodrigo and Antonio Collados, Spain), Cayo Honorato (Brazil), Nadia Moreno Moya, Angélica González Vásquez (Colombia).
ERRATA #17: Feminisms. Editors: Cecilia Fajardo-Hill (Venezuela-United Kingdom), Andrea Giunta (Argentina-Italy) and Julia Buenaventura (Colombia). Authors: Julia Antivilo (Chile), Talita Trizoli (Brasil), Sol Astrid Giraldo Escobar and Patricia Restrepo (Colombia).
ERRATA #18: The rights of the living. Editors: Eduardo Gudynas (Uruguay) and Ana María Lozano (Colombian). Authors: Donna Haraway (USA) and Nicolás Leyva Townsend (Colombia).
ERRATA #19: Affections, affectivities and affectations. Editors: Suely Rolnik (Brazil) and Heidi Abderhalden and Rolf Abderhalden (Colombia). Authors: Brian Massumi (Canada).
Management of Plastic and Visual Arts
Calle 8 # 8 – 52, Bogotá, Col.
Tel. (571) 370 5750 ext. 3300
Management of Plastic and Visual Arts
Calle 13 # 3 – 16, Bogotá, Col.
Tel. (571) 282 9491 ext. 228